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Нива 4x4
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Ермолов Алексей Игоревич, aka ALER
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Имя: Kwnstantinos
Рег.: 29.01.2020
Тем / Сообщений: 1 / 66
Откуда: Greece
Возраст: 29
Авто: 21214-20/2003

Hello to all members from Greece!
My name is Konstantinos and I am 25 yars old.Recently after a car accident with our Lada Niva 1.6 1987 model me and my dad bought a used one Niva 21214-20 2003 model!Mine is 3rd and my father`s the 5th.
I am very excited to meet you and discuss about our Ladas.

Thank you for accepting me in your forum!

And this is our previous.

We kept everything from th 2121 for spare parts.
45 сообщений на предыдущих страницах

Имя: Kwnstantinos
Рег.: 29.01.2020
Тем / Сообщений: 1 / 66
Откуда: Greece
Возраст: 29
Авто: 21214-20/2003

The restoration completed.I made this video.
Hope you enjoy it!


Рег.: 20.02.2017
Сообщений: 1946
Откуда: Беларусь Пинск
Возраст: 61
Авто: ВАЗ-212180 моно 2000


Рег.: 08.01.2005
Тем / Сообщений: 6 / 2440
Откуда: Krasnodar
Возраст: 46
Авто: ВАЗ-2131 Вошь МЕ17.9.7, 2021 г.в.; ВАЗ-21214 2008 г.в., ВОШЬ 7.9.7.Престиж 12V214. T-MAX

Total cost of that refabricating exceeded price of new Lamborghini, right? [:D]
By the way, where did you fnd snow in Grece?

Вот все думаю, какую же подпись вставить?

Имя: Kwnstantinos
Рег.: 29.01.2020
Тем / Сообщений: 1 / 66
Откуда: Greece
Возраст: 29
Авто: 21214-20/2003


[:))] For the whole car interior fabrics (you see the rest in future videos) it cost me about 300 Euro including buying the new seats and the aluminium bases for them!

Regarding the snow depending the weather and off course the area we have plenty on winter! [:;)]
Good afternoon.
It`s time to install few lights, so I am thinking of using two Cibie driving lights (70 watt lamp each) but I want to connect them with the high beam headlights.I have one question, from where it is safe to `steel` power?from relay or directly from the switch on steering?

Рег.: 10.10.2012
Тем / Сообщений: 78 / 8172
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 60
Авто: 213100М-30-10 2011г Е-газ

All powerful headlamps on the car are connected only through a relay so that the contacts of their switch do not burn.This is indicated on the standard wiring diagram

"У нас кладут асфальт местами и немного
Чтоб всякий оккупант на подступах застрял" (С.Трофимов)

Имя: Kwnstantinos
Рег.: 29.01.2020
Тем / Сообщений: 1 / 66
Откуда: Greece
Возраст: 29
Авто: 21214-20/2003

Good afternoon!

In my free time I decided to rebuild a second transmission I have.I will change all the bearings off course but what do you think about these?


Рег.: 10.10.2012
Тем / Сообщений: 78 / 8172
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 60
Авто: 213100М-30-10 2011г Е-газ

1.It is necessary to replace the gearshift forks if they are deformed.
2.NIVA's recommended replacement of SKF(Sweden) bearings

"У нас кладут асфальт местами и немного
Чтоб всякий оккупант на подступах застрял" (С.Трофимов)

Рег.: 27.07.2009
Тем / Сообщений: 2 / 818
Откуда: Москва (пока, далее посмотрим), был - Торонто, Канада
Возраст: 52
Авто: Гранта лифтбэк '24, был - Нива 21214 моноинжектор, 96 г., в Канаду шла под маркой Cossack

I observed such or even worse wear on new forks even after 2-5K km.
Unless the forks are bent or have excessive play in gear collars I would keep them.
The quality of spare parts now is not good - even new collar and fork often have a gap more than max allowed by the factory specs for the used parts with wear. :(

Отмеряй микрометром, отмечай мелом, отрубай топором

Рег.: 08.01.2005
Тем / Сообщений: 6 / 2440
Откуда: Krasnodar
Возраст: 46
Авто: ВАЗ-2131 Вошь МЕ17.9.7, 2021 г.в.; ВАЗ-21214 2008 г.в., ВОШЬ 7.9.7.Престиж 12V214. T-MAX

The quality of spare parts now is not good
That's true.
I observed such or even worse wear on new forks even after 2-5K km.
Forks can be worn out faster if you have a manner to hold your hand on gear lever all the time. You push lever by the weight of your hand and it causes forks to get in constant contact with tooth wheel

Вот все думаю, какую же подпись вставить?

Имя: Kwnstantinos
Рег.: 29.01.2020
Тем / Сообщений: 1 / 66
Откуда: Greece
Возраст: 29
Авто: 21214-20/2003

It is my first time I open an gearbox and that`s why I have so many questions.These parts are from a 2121 1.6 5th gear gearbox.
Forks can be worn out faster if you have a manner to hold your hand on gear lever all the time. You push lever by the weight of your hand and it causes forks to get in constant contact with tooth wheel
Very interested I didn`t knew that.
Good afternoon.
As the time for gear oil change is approaching I have decided to put one of these three oils.What would you recomended?They are all 80-90w and API GL-5.…voline-hd-axle-oil-80w90-1l.html…inhtou/97-motul-hd-80w90-2l.html…gearbox-80w90-gl-5-mos-2-1l.html

Рег.: 10.10.2012
Тем / Сообщений: 78 / 8172
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 60
Авто: 213100М-30-10 2011г Е-газ


In my humble opinion, it is better to use the oil according to the third link, because it is the most versatile and since it is better to use GL-4/GL-5 class oil for the gearbox, and it is permissible for other units.So we will get one brand of oil for all transmission units, which is very convenient for the consumer.

"У нас кладут асфальт местами и немного
Чтоб всякий оккупант на подступах застрял" (С.Трофимов)
Нива 4x4 / Нивовод нивоводу — брат / World Wide Niva / Hello from Greece!