Niva est vita!
Niva 4x4
Lada Niva owners club. Founded by
Ermolov Aleksei Igorevich, aka ALER
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Name: Kwnstantinos
Reg.: 1/29/2020
Topics / Posts: 1 / 66
From: Greece
Age: 29
Car: 21214-20/2003

1/31/2020, 8:17 PM +03
Hello to all members from Greece!
My name is Konstantinos and I am 25 yars old.Recently after a car accident with our Lada Niva 1.6 1987 model me and my dad bought a used one Niva 21214-20 2003 model!Mine is 3rd and my father`s the 5th.
I am very excited to meet you and discuss about our Ladas.

Thank you for accepting me in your forum!

And this is our previous.

We kept everything from th 2121 for spare parts.
30 older posts on previous pages

Name: Kwnstantinos
Reg.: 1/29/2020
Topics / Posts: 1 / 66
From: Greece
Age: 29
Car: 21214-20/2003

4/6/2020, 10:22 PM +03

Yes this is a big issue COVID-19.In Greece everything is closed but fortunately car mechanics still working (not all of them but most of them).Great I will contact them to see and maybe something good come up.Also about the spare parts everything you find here is almost the double price. [:X]
4/7/2020, 5:31 PM +03
After I install this filter everything went great but after two days when I start the engine after 2 second it switced off and I did it several times.I took it off and put again the old one and worked fine.This happens because the ECU was reading too much air or something else?
Note that was temporary because after the painting I will install snorkel.

post pics

Reg.: 1/8/2005
Topics / Posts: 7 / 2537
From: Krasnodar
Age: 46
Car: ВАЗ-2131 Вошь МЕ17.9.7, 2021 г.в.; ВАЗ-21214 2008 г.в., ВОШЬ 7.9.7.Престиж 12V214. T-MAX

4/7/2020, 5:35 PM +03
Not enough information to analyze.

Вот все думаю, какую же подпись вставить?

Name: Kwnstantinos
Reg.: 1/29/2020
Topics / Posts: 1 / 66
From: Greece
Age: 29
Car: 21214-20/2003

4/7/2020, 5:40 PM +03

So if someone wants to install this he has to chahge the ECU information?Interesting...
When I install the snorkel I would have to abrogate the filter again (Because the snorkel its made by me) I will have the same problem?

Reg.: 1/8/2005
Topics / Posts: 7 / 2537
From: Krasnodar
Age: 46
Car: ВАЗ-2131 Вошь МЕ17.9.7, 2021 г.в.; ВАЗ-21214 2008 г.в., ВОШЬ 7.9.7.Престиж 12V214. T-MAX

4/7/2020, 6:54 PM +03
99% that your problem has nothing to do with ECU

Вот все думаю, какую же подпись вставить?

Name: Kwnstantinos
Reg.: 1/29/2020
Topics / Posts: 1 / 66
From: Greece
Age: 29
Car: 21214-20/2003

4/7/2020, 10:46 PM +03

Interesting!I will see, thank you!
4/8/2020, 3:44 PM +03
As long as we stay home it`s time to do some job.Unforunately, the old fan (from 2121) due to the radiator and the electrical fan needed bigger piece of alluminium, I bought the new (21213) and made one with 1.5 mm thickness and 3 longer screws.It is a little dificult if you haven`t remove the radiator but I made it.I have to say the result is impressive as the electrical fan were working again and again especially here and the summer with high temperature.Note electrical fans switch on about 95-98 degrees.In the photo with the match you can see how it suck the air!


Reg.: 9/10/2013
Topics / Posts: 19 / 600
From: Россия, Москва-Тула
Age: 37
Car: Нива 21214м, 2013г.; Нива 21214, 2009г. (рама, вояки, рк-69...)

4/8/2020, 5:23 PM +03
man, be careful.
if you've bought white fan made of firm plastic - it can easily crack (due to hight rpm and temperature) and crush everything on his way under your hood. I had such situation.
there is another one, made of yellow soft and elastic plastic - that's one you need.
if you can get both of them at once you can compare, just flip by your finger to them and listen: thud sound is good, and sonorous sound is highly discouraged to use.


Name: Kwnstantinos
Reg.: 1/29/2020
Topics / Posts: 1 / 66
From: Greece
Age: 29
Car: 21214-20/2003

4/8/2020, 7:22 PM +03

You mean like a 2121 1.6 fan?I think its the same plastic.In Greece I don`t know another type of fan! [:dntknw]
4/20/2020, 11:27 PM +03

Does anyone know what are these connectors are?
The first one is under thw wiper motor, second near battery and third there are two (looks like headilights wiper) but I don`t know if 21214 has these cables.
10/24/2020, 12:03 PM +03
It came!

I have one question when I take off the tensioner shoe should I install chain stop pin bolt like the photo or it doesn't need it?and in the new one chain tensioner with sprocket the same screw?
1/12/2021, 10:25 PM +03
After 1.5 month (during quarantine) the restoration almost complete.Here you can see it after it was painted and below in his first trip.[:)]

I will upload video on my you tube channel with details and off course the whole painting.

Name: Алексей
Reg.: 4/12/2018
Topics / Posts: 1 / 252
From: Подольск МО
Age: 43
Car: Нива 21214 стандарт 2011г.в.

1/13/2021, 9:50 AM +03

it looks great!

Name: Kwnstantinos
Reg.: 1/29/2020
Topics / Posts: 1 / 66
From: Greece
Age: 29
Car: 21214-20/2003

1/13/2021, 2:22 PM +03

Thank you a lot!
1/19/2021, 11:26 PM +03
Stay home, stay safe!
Time for some work! [:D] As I faced some problems with the old fuses I decided to change them with new.I looked the FAQ and slowly and carefully I changed the whole fuse box, here are some pictures.

First the `bridges` I should make.

I made also a new base.

And we are ready.

Niva 4x4 / Нивовод нивоводу — брат / World Wide Niva / Hello from Greece!