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Niva 4x4
Lada Niva owners club. Founded by
Ermolov Aleksei Igorevich, aka ALER
Yandex and Google search

Name: Megatron
Reg.: 7/25/2016
Topics / Posts: 3 / 6
From: Spain
Age: 45
Car: Niva 2003

7/25/2016, 3:42 AM +03

my name is David and I have just bought a Niva from the 2003 - 1.7i. I am from Spain but I am living in Poland, where I have bought my car.

I love these cars since I was very little in Spain. Now finally I can have one and do things with and on it.

I have a question: what inline-six engine could be installed into the Niva without cutting and modifying a lot the original Niva's body?

I am thinking about the M103 from Mercedes or the M20 from BMW, each one together with its gearbox. But I don't know if they fit. I am afraid the engine or the gearbox could be too big for the bay/the tunel in the Niva.

Thanks in advance!

PS: ja uczus gavarit pa ruski. Nie mogu jeszcze pisat :)

Reg.: 12/6/2004
Topics / Posts: 4020 / 23171
From: Москва
Age: 71
Car: 21214M, 2013 гв.

7/25/2016, 4:49 AM +03
Перевод/translate (by Yandex с некоторыми правками):

меня зовут Давид и я только купил Ниву от 2003 - 1.7i. Я из Испании, но я живу в Польше, где я купил свой автомобиль.

Я люблю эти машины так как я был очень мало в Испании. Теперь, наконец, я могу делать все, что угодно.

У меня вопрос: рядный шестицилиндровый двигатель может быть установлен на ниву без резки и модификации в оригинальный кузов Нивы?

Я думаю о М103 Мерседес или М20 от БМВ, каждый вместе с коробкой передач. Но я не знаю, подходят ли они. Я боюсь, что двигатель или коробка передач может быть слишком большим для туннеля Нивы.

Заранее спасибо!

PS. Я учусь говорить по-русски. Не могу еще писать.
Что скажете, коллеги?

Прочитать всем! «МАТ или КЛОН МАТА — сразу БЛОК!»

Алексей aka ALER.

Name: Megatron
Reg.: 7/25/2016
Topics / Posts: 3 / 6
From: Spain
Age: 45
Car: Niva 2003

7/25/2016, 3:11 PM +03

Koljega skazal, szto mozna od Pahero V6 3.0.

A buddy from another forum has just told me that I could take a v6 3.0 from a Pajero.

PS: sorry for my ortography :)

Reg.: 12/6/2004
Topics / Posts: 4020 / 23171
From: Москва
Age: 71
Car: 21214M, 2013 гв.

7/25/2016, 4:13 PM +03
I myself have no such experience. I hope that I will meet someone that knows...

Прочитать всем! «МАТ или КЛОН МАТА — сразу БЛОК!»

Алексей aka ALER.

Reg.: 2/28/2016
Posts: 118
From: Санкт - Петербург
Age: 47
Car: ВАЗ 21214, 2015 г.в.

7/26/2016, 1:17 PM +03
There's not a lot of space.
If you put the engine in the 6-cylinder in-line, it is necessary to clean the radiator. Otherwise, it does not fit. The radiator can be installed in place of the spare wheel with a forced ohladzheniem through a hole in the hood.
Manual transmission can fit in the tunnel, the tunnel automatically if necessary to refine and look for a place for auxiliary.
In addition, it is necessary to create new motor mount pads, transmissions and other tion.
The car ride after the completion of the works will not be long. Transmission is not designed for such loads, and will break down often.
If you want to make the motor car and you need to try harder to establish a set of ready-made kit compressor. 200 euros.…-bar-dlja-vaz-21214-niva-akcija/

My one friend is now putting the engine from ZMZ V8, but he puts on a frame, on the other PPC with other bridges. And from the fields will be only the upper part of the body.

Niva Engine is a modified Fiat engine.
So should approach the engine and gearbox from Fiat cars. So in Russia on a field set 1.9 turbo diesel engine Fiat. For the fastening of Ms places included and it was not necessary to change the gearbox.
7/26/2016, 1:18 PM +03
Алер прости, я гугл переводчиком переводил, может и ошибся в чём то.

Всем радости и добра!

Name: Виктор
Reg.: 9/25/2008
Topics / Posts: 11 / 1569
From: Москва
Age: 54
Car: 1.Шнива-Глумобиль, мосты вояки+бортовые от МТЗ-320, Боггер 37" 2. ШН турбо 2012, 200л.с.

7/26/2016, 7:17 PM +03

Its absolutely impossible without "...cutting and modifying a lot the original Niva's body..."? Unfortunately...

There is another way - turbocharger. Try to read this:

0.5 bar needs no modification of body at all. Just turbokit, another injectors, and modified program for ECU controller.

I'll try to answer all questions, if you are interested in.

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Name: Megatron
Reg.: 7/25/2016
Topics / Posts: 3 / 6
From: Spain
Age: 45
Car: Niva 2003

8/11/2016, 1:33 PM +03


sorry for answering so late. I had limited connection lately. I was on holidays.
Thank you A LOT for the help. I will very happily use it!

Izwinitje, ja prosto wiernul sja iz otpuska.
Spasibo za wsju informaciju.
Ja wsjo proczytaju, szto wy napisali i budu spraszywać!

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